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High-effect heat exchanger

Heat exchanger is featured of the company. The company is capable of producing various tubular heat exchangers, which can be divided into carbon steel tube type heat exchanger, stainless steel tube type heat exchanger, and carbon steel and stainless steel mixed tubular heat exchanger according to material; into fixed tube sheet type, floating head type, and U-shaped tubular exchangers according to form; into single tube pass, double tube pas and multiple tube pass exchangers according to structure. 
The company adopts advanced welder for welding tube sheet and tube to ensure welding quality, attractive appearance and welding efficiency. 






繞管式散熱器 繞管式散熱器
繞管式散熱器 繞管式散熱器

High-effect heat exchanger

Pre: Large-scale tower
Next: New-model fermentation cylinder

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